Kharkiv CSS Conference - The Place For Creative Development


Kharkiv CSS Conference photo

KharkivCSS is our home conference, and we just couldn’t miss it. It’s a place where developers of different skill levels could share their knowledge and experience, debate a lot, and discuss issues that desperately need to be solved. Moreover, it’s another reason to have fun together! So let’s take a closer look at this awesome event.


April 22, was 100% pre-planned in our calendar for KharkivCSS meeting. On this day, more than 500 participants gathered in a hospitable “Fabrica” space to speak about modern layout standards, technologies, architectural approaches, and methodologies. And, you know, together we’ve successfully reached the purpose of the conference!

 The Place photo

Everything was going quick, smooth and highly informative, so there was no time for yawning. The speeches were so detailed and complex that it’s not necessary to talk about them right now, but obviously, we should mark the most remarkable.

 The Place For Creative Development photo

Firstly, the fluent speech about the history and today's methods of layout building by Anton Nemtsev, frontend developer in Vaimo. Secondly, the informative and useful report made by Denys Yarovyi, the UX Designer at Plarium. And a fabulous presentation by Helen Zhukova about CSS variables. These are our top three, however, all the reports were absolutely great.

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Afterward, the beginners learned where to start from and what are the live issues for today. The experienced developers improved their knowledge and got some useful tips from the creative front-end gurus. And those who just avoid layout managing found out how simple and, at the same time, exciting it could be!


The second CSS conference went perfectly! Looking forward to the next one!


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