Case studies

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Bespaced is a great platform that provides their customers with a high-quality service for searching any kinds of real estate for business or work.

The platform's interface is easy to use and intuitive, which means that the customer will master it quickly and without much problems. Wide selection of filters and powerful search engine allows finding workspace according to any required parameters.

Every real estate issue presented at the platform is carefully checked and photographed by the service's employees, so the customer can get as much information about the proposed article as possible.

Service operates 24/7 which means that the client can get a help or a consultation any time. If customers have difficulties with making a choice, the Bespaced team will offer some spaces according to their preferences.

Another important feature is that the platform employs a secure payment system that can guarantee customers' and property owners with a complete privacy.

Involvement / participation

In cooperation with Bespaced our main task was to create an efficient platform that suits the needs of both customers and space owners as much as possible. We intended to make the service not only simple and comprehensible but also nicely designed and interesting.

As the base for the site our team selected Ruby on Rails framework. This allowed us to create the platform that will useful and customer-friendly.

Our clients wanted to get a proficient platform with high performance. Thus, after a short discussion, we decided to host the webpage over an Amazon Services Cloud thanks to which it loads in a fraction of a second even at low bandwidth connections.

The next point of consideration was selection of a payment system and ways of its integration into the platform. Among the proposed solutions, the client chose Mangopay service.

At the moment Bespaced is already operating but still there is a list of improvements, modifications and novelties that would be added in future updates. Our team continues the work on the project and stays in touch with the client.

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  • technology
  • technology
  • technology
  • technology
  • technology
  • technology
When the project started, our main focus was to create the resolution that would suit the needs of the customers. These included:
  • Create the easy to use and understandable website;
  • Create a great UI and UX;
  • Employ all the technologies that will supply the customer with the necessary information.
Our main task was to create a unique, well-designed and fast working webpage that would satisfy requirements of clients and property owners alike.

The first stage of our work was creating a concept document for a future platform. Also, we needed to create a website design project and decide on a programing language and tools we were going to use. After the discussion with the client, the platform creation was started.

First of all the website was made. After it, our team added some extra tools that are used to make the service work faster. Also, a payment system was integrated.

We still have a lot of work to do but the hardest stage, fortunately, was already done. Moreover, it will be our task to further maintain the solution and ensure its smooth operation.

While working on the project we used some technologies that let us achieve some great results.

The platform was made on the basis of Ruby on Rails. This Ruby language framework supports working with web templates and integrating them into web-services and databases. It allowed us to create the platform really fast and make it operate extremely smoothly.

Among other useful tools we implemented are Amazon ES2 and Amazon S3, which allowed us to provide the website with high computing power so it can process a huge amount of data.

Moreover, we used Amazon CloudFront in order to provide users with a qualitative and safe content in the shortest time.

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Currently the most of the project is done and the Bespaced platform is launched. It can be already used by people from many countries and ready to provide the visitors with all necessary information and possibilities.

Nevertheless, our team continues to build some additional features. Moreover, it is our job to make sure the service works correctly day by day.